The popular barbed wire tattoo is covered with certain prejudices and “hidden meanings.” A person, who will have to take this image in spirit, should have an idea about its interpretation. But it should not be believed entirely, as each such tattoo will have a different meaning: for men — independence, for women — confidence, and for teenagers — freedom from parents.

After reading this article, you will know the general meaning of the barbed wire tattoo in the world and what it means in combination with a heart, a rose, or a butterfly. And also about its symbolism on different parts of the body.

You can also read about amazing traditional tattoos and their meanings and find more than 50 ideas for inspiration.

Barbed Wire Tattoo Meaning

Barbed wire is an unusual and widespread tattoo nowadays — it can perform a decorative function and carry a specific meaning. Such tattoos are associated with prohibition and restriction. It used to be attached to the top of the fence to prevent intruders from entering the territory. Or vice versa, not to go beyond it.

With the development of various informal movements, a tattoo with its image has become very common among young people. Fans of heavy rock and goths applied it. The popularity of subcultures remained in the past, but the barbed wire tattoo is still in demand.

General Meaning

Barbed wire, like a tattoo, originated in the criminal world. Prisoners used it to count their time outside of freedom: each spike symbolized one year of imprisonment. Such a tattoo was a secret symbol of the prison world. When people were released from jail, it was the symbol by which they recognized others like them. It is no longer used to prevent escapes, and the image is no longer criminal.

Barbed wire tattoo meaning

But over time, it somewhat changed the attitude to the true meaning of the tattoo, so by combining different bright elements, the master gets a colorful picture that attracts attention.

Barbed wire tattoos are applied by young people who have come of age. With it, they show that they finally broke free and are no longer bound by parental prohibitions. Also, the tattoo can reflect its owner’s “barbed” character. Such people guard their personal space and, most of the time, are in themselves.

The barbed wire can warn you not to get into the person’s soul. The owners of such a tattoo do not like to share their personal lives with others. So they can stop the interlocutor in rough form, infringing on intimate topics.

Meaning for Men

Men decorate their bodies with barbed wire to express their independence. Such men do not like to play by other people’s rules and value their freedom. The tattoo indicates that the man has a pronounced individuality and does not depend on the opinion of others.

Flowers wrapped around a wire symbolize a man’s sensitive nature. With such a tattoo, young men report that their outward behavior does not match their inner world. The harsh reality forced them to be rude and unfeeling. You can only learn about the true character of such a man by getting to know him better. Skull, entwined with barbed wire, indicates the loss of a loved one. Sometimes such a tattoo is supplemented by a name inscription.

Also, take a look at the trendy arm tattoo ideas for men that you will never regret.

Meaning for Women

The image of barbed wire on a woman’s body speaks of love for freedom and hatred of restrictions. Such a tattoo adorns the body of independent and self-confident women. Together with a rose, such tattoos for girls mean innocence. Owners of such a tattoo report their impregnability and purity. Such a symbol can mean that a girl is looking for a lover with whom she will spend her life.

A bird holding a barbed wire represents wish fulfillment for women. In such a tattoo, it symbolizes the obstacles it is necessary to pass to achieve the goal. Girls apply the barbed wire bracelet as a protection against the aggression of the surrounding world. 

For more unhackneyed and unique women’s thigh tattoos, see our article.

Barbed Wire Heart Tattoo

Barbed wire heart tattoo

If a wire is wrapped around a heart from which drops of blood flow, it indicates disappointment in love, betrayal, and heartache. Two hearts wrapped around a wire indicate a strong relationship, and the wire symbolizes protection from envious people.

If a heart is depicted on a person’s body, blazing in flames and wrapped with barbed wire in the form of a crown of thorns, it speaks of great compassion, of love. Mercy and forgiveness of the world are invested in such a rendering of the picture.

Barbed Wire Butterfly Tattoo

Barbed wire butterfly tattoo

This kind of drawing will appeal to many people because it has a special meaning. A barbed wire butterfly tattoo is a simple and elegant way to show the world that you have changed for the better through your experience.

We all run into challenges in life. And such a tattoo can remind its owner that everything that happens in our lives is necessary to help us become who we are.

A butterfly tattoo with barbed wire means how strong and resilient you can remain when faced with problems or challenges in your life.

Barbed Wire Rose Tattoo

A rose tattoo with barbed wire can have many meanings. One of the most typical uses of such a tattoo is to represent love and romance, but it can also mean friendship, beauty, or even death.

Some see such a drawing as a sign of strength and overcoming adversity — as the rose manages to squeeze through the dense and prickly barbed wire.

In addition, a tattoo with a rose can have criminal significance. For men, this tattoo means “met adulthood in prison”. That is, a man was serving a sentence in a colony for juvenile offenders. Most often, this tattoo is located on the arm or collarbone.

Also, “rose in the keys of the wire” is sometimes applied to women. They have it simply means that its owner served time in prison.

Barbed Wire Arm Tattoo

The barbed wire tattoo on the arm can be placed on both the biceps and the wrist. Any gender can use these locations to position the draw. There are many variations, such as a classic wire bracelet or a snake of barbed wire wrapped around the arm.

On Wrist

A snake-shaped bracelet or wire will look best on your wrist.

Male soldiers often leave a barbed wire tattoo on their wrists with images of country flags. The talisman serves as a reminder of service.

Male soldiers

On Bicep

For many, the barbed wire represents the crown of the thorns Jesus wore as he struggled with the cross to being crucified. Thus, a strip of barbed wire around the bicep or wrist can be a daily reminder of faith and how Jesus suffered and died for humanity.

A barbed wire tattoo can also allude to World War II and prisoners of war. This meaning is still relevant to today’s conflicts, as many soldiers choose a barbed wire tattoo to denote their time in combat. By getting this tattoo around your biceps, you will represent your strength in overcoming the adversity you face while engaged in war.

A barbed wire tattoo can also allude to World War II and prisoners of war.

A tattoo of a “thorn” around the biceps can also demonstrate a person’s fierceness.

A tattoo of a "thorn" around the biceps can also demonstrate a person's fierceness.

Barbed Wire Neck Tattoo

Barbed wire neck tattoo

The barbed wire tattoo looks very extravagant on the neck. Such a draw can mean enslavement by something or someone or deprivation of freedom. The person has escaped from these chains if wires are breaking.

Also, such a tattoo on the body can mean the fear of death to its bearer. 

Popular Ideas of Barbed Wire Tattoos

Here are some more stunning barbed wire tattoo ideas for your inspiration! ?


You can often hear the question: what is the barbed wire tattoo meaning? We have dealt with many cases in our article. For example, a sketch made with a heart can speak of great love. The thorns bruised the heart — a significant loss. A torn metal wire — the end of a difficult stage of life. The owner desires to live peacefully if a bird or flower pulls it. Composition with a flag — the bearer of the picture served in the army abroad. With a cross — the owner will defend his rights to the end.

Most often, place the image barbed wire on the biceps, where it completely encircles the hand like a bracelet. However, application variants on other body parts are also possible. 


🤬 Is a Barbed Wire Tattoo Offensive?

Tattoos, their offensiveness, danger, and meaning are a very controversial topic. Some people tattoo them for beauty, others are trying to show their individuality, and others are trying to reveal their inner world with the help of images. Because tattoos can have different interpretations in different parts of the world, one should be careful in their choice.

🌟 When Was the Barbed Wire Tattoo Popular?

Firstly, prisoners applied the first barbed wire tattoos in Soviet prisons during Stalin’s rule (1934-1953). They represented the years spent behind bars or the number of “cases” committed. In America in the 1990s, this type of tattoo was popularized by actress Pamela Anderson. She put barbed wire on her arm to film the movie “Barbed Wire” with the same name.

💥 What Is the Meaning of Barbed Wires?

Initially, barbed wire tattoos had criminal significance. Prisoners tattooed them on their bodies to count off their years of incarceration. Now the barbed wire has taken on other meanings as well. Barbed wire tattoos are applied by young people who have come of age. With it, they show that they finally broke free and are no longer bound by parental prohibitions. Also, the tattoo can reflect its owner’s “barbed” character.

😈 What Does a Thorns Tattoo Mean??

The meaning of a tattoo with thorns usually depends on the bearer’s purpose, often symbolizing passive aggression and closeness from others. The symbolism here is quite apparent: spikes protect against rude intrusion into a person’s personal space. The thorns that pierce the skin from the inside can represent the personality’s contradictions and inner chaos, as well as the desire to show — inside each person lurks a monster, ready to break free at any moment.

For decades, we have seen tattoo images have several gender misconceptions. It means that women should only have butterflies, hearts, or flowers on their skin, while men should have lions, wolves, swords, and skulls. But we want to break this stereotype and describe rose tattoos for men. 

After reading this article, you will realize that it is a romantic symbol for women and a robust and meaningful sign for confident men. In addition, you can be inspired by the many rose tattoo designs and choose the one that matches perfectly. So, let’s get started!

Facts About Rose Tattoos

The rose is the queen of flowers that is originally from Iraq. There is no more famous and beautiful plant in the world. It has been respected since ancient times in many countries for its beauty and deep symbolism.

In ancient Greece, the rose was the dedication to the goddess of love, Aphrodite. People use wreaths to decorate brides and shower the newlyweds with them. It was also the symbol of infinity.
In ancient Rome rose was a symbol of strict morality. People believed that it instilled courage in the soul, and they put the image of a rose petal on their shields. It also served as an emblem of bravery.
The rose in Rome had another meaning: it became a symbol of silence, of keeping secrets. During banquets, an artificial rose hung from the hall’s ceiling – dedicated to Harpocrates, the god of silence.
In China, funerals, and death were associated with roses. Often people transformed it into a flower of the afterlife.
In Buddhism rose symbolizes the threefold truth: knowledge, law, and the path of order.
Arab Muslim tradition knows the image of the white rose, the sweat that came out on Muhammad on his way to heaven and fell to the ground. And it was a sign of love.

It is interesting that in Europe the rose is associated with a woman, but in the East — with a man.

Facts about rose tattoos

Best Body Part for Men Tattoo

The advantage of a rose tattoo is that no matter where you apply it, it will look great on any part of the body. But it is better to ink the area where you can emphasize your masculinity. The most appropriate places are:

  • ? Hands;
  • ? Forearms;
  • ? Shoulders;
  • ? Chest;
  • ? Abdomen;
  • ? Back;
  • ? Shin;
  • ? Knees.

Also, recently it has been popular for men to put the rose tattoo on fingers, neck, behind the ear, and even on the face. 

Masculine Rose Tattoo Designs

The rose tattoo for men is slightly different for women. The reason is that they have more space on their skin and want to express their strong character. Also, they are less inclined to hide their tattoos and instead want to show them off for admiration. Here are some features of rose tattoo designs for men:

  • ? We see large-scale formats with bold lines.
  • ? The colors are more intense and vibrant than in women’s rose tattoos. 
  • ? In addition, the subjects are profoundly detailed and composed of many elements.
  • ? Men’s rose tattoos are usually in black and white ink.

So, we’ve researched the most interesting rose tattoo designs for men and compiled them in the list below. From small black flowers to large multicolored sleeves, everyone will find ideas for inspiration.

Masculine rose tattoo designs

Colorful Rose Tattoo Ideas

Colors are one way to express emotions, and bright rose tattoos also highlight some feelings. Learn the meaning of the different shades of flowers on tattoos for men:

  • ? The red rose symbolizes true love.
  • ? The burgundy color is a symbol of beauty.
  • ? A pink rose symbolizes desire, passion, joie de vivre, youth, and energy.
  • ? The white rose symbolizes purity, eternal love, and humility.
  • ? A Yellow rose is a sign of happiness, joy, and friendship.
  • ? The purple plant symbolizes gratitude.
  • ? The blue flower is a sign of abundance and prosperity.

Usually, men choose red, blue, and yellow colors for a rose tattoo. But you can mix them all in a colorful drawing.

American Traditional Rose

One of the most popular tattoo styles among men is the American traditional. The rose design is recognizable because it is outlined with bold black lines and has a flat design with much shading. You can add different elements to the flower, including leaves, drops, insects, hearts, swords, or faces.

Outline Rose Tattoo

An outline rose tattoo is a good idea if you want a monochromatic design. It looks exquisite and minimalistic. You can choose some fine line artful design that suits the forearm or leg. Besides, this design has been very trendy in the last few years. 

Geometric Design

A geometric rose tattoo’s precise angles and lines can describe masculine strength and resilience. This design looks good in colored and black ink. You can decorate your skin with a geometric rosebud or make a combination of figures and flowers.

Cross and Rose Tattoo

There is no design more meaningful than the cross and rose tattoo. It is popular among men because it describes their spiritual principles. In addition, someone may use this rose tattoo for protection. It often signifies innocence, purity, and mercy. You can combine this image with names and religious elements such as rosaries, doves, and thorns.

Rose Tattoo With Plot

Men tend to put extensive ink on their skin, and rose tattoos are no exception. Large, bold flowers in colored or black shades, with many details and story-telling elements, are prevalent. You can apply this rose tattoo to your chest, back, and torso or do a sleeve. This design looks impressive, so people are sure to admire it. 

Realistic Look of Rose Tattoos

Realistic drawings always have a “wow” effect due to their shapes and details. And the rose tattoo for men is no exception. Often, you can choose 3D ideas or micro-realistic drawings. Either way, it’s better to apply it in color to add life to the picture. 

Watercolored Ideas

A watercolor-style rose tattoo is an excellent idea for men. It looks unique and fresh. The tattooist can play with colors and shades to create an impressive drawing. The strict lines of the flower and the blurry colored ink make the rose tattoo a piece of art. 

Rose and Skull Tattoo

A skull and a rose is a legendary combination. It is a great tattoo idea for men if you want to add a little mystery to the drawing. There are many ways to combine these elements, but the meaning is the same — the bipolarity of the universe. It means everything is opposite — life and death, good and evil.

Small-Size Tattoos

Some men like delicacy and small-size designs. A rose tattoo is an excellent option. You can make it very tiny and put it on any body part. The popular locations are behind ears, wrists, hands, and elbows. Besides, you can make a matching tattoo on your fingers.

Money Rose Tattoos

If you want to bring more cash to your life, get a money rose tattoo. This flower means love, and passion, while money is the wealth and power to control your life. The money rose tattoo is an excellent idea for men who want to show their commitment to becoming rich. This design is usually black ink with a 3d effect to mimic real cash. It is better to put it on the hand or forearm

Meaningful Inscriptions Design

Often the rose tattoo is a decoration for some significant inscription on the men’s chest. Writing important names or putting on your favorite quote from the book is very meaningful. Anyway, roses are the perfect background for this purpose. The size of the tattoo depends on the length of the inscription and your design.  


The rose tattoo for men is an excellent idea for those who want to show their personality and courage. As you can see, many designs are not so sweet and girly and will suit any brutal male. Besides, with a talented tattoo artist, you can quickly get any rose design and enjoy it. We hope this article was informative and you find some designs to match your skin.


? Are Rose Tattoos Suitable for Men?

The answer is definitely a positive one. You can happily get a rose tattoo on your skin, as many exciting tattoo designs are pretty brutal for men. You can choose American traditional, watercolor, or geometric styles for this.

? Where Is It Better To Put the Rose Tattoo for Men?

The location depends on your preferences, size, and design. The most popular areas for a rose tattoo for men are the forearms, legs, elbows, chest, hands, and neck. But you can choose one that suits your needs.

? What Flower Color Can I Pick for the Rose Tattoo for Men?

You can choose black and white rose tattoos or colored ink. Many meaningful shades include red, blue, purple, yellow, and pink. You can also get a tattoo with a combination of several colors.

? Is It Painful To Get the Rose Tattoo for Men Behind the Ear?

It is better to say that getting a tattoo on any part of the body is painful, but the place behind the ear is one of the most painful. It also depends on skin sensitivity, individual pain threshold, size, and complexity of the rose tattoo design and execution technique.