Japanese and American traditional tattoos have always been timeless and their popularity has not decreased. However, now they have a very serious competitor – neo-traditional tattoos. They allow you to embody the most daring ideas using bright colors and stylish drawings.

Before choosing a tattoo idea, you should be sure to read the cautions and contraindications.

Why Is Neo-Traditional Tattoo a Good Choice?

neo traditional tattoo

Neo-traditional tattoos are a logical development of traditional tattoos. They allow you to embody any idea and theme just like the traditional ones but with several significant differences. 

  • ? Bright colors. Neo-traditional tattoos are more like illustrations. To create them, they use bright colors in the same color scheme. 
  • ? Volumetrics. In them, there is an effect of darkening. This allows you to create a three-dimensional drawing.
  • ? Emphasizes musculature. The volume of the picture can emphasize the relief of your body and focus attention on the musculature.
  • ? Clear lines. Neo-traditional tattoos use lines of varying thicknesses. Because of this, the pattern is better readable from a distance.
  • ? Live drawing. The composition can include a light source as a design element that will make your tattoo more lively.

Neo-Traditional Tattoo Ideas for Men & Women

neo traditional tattoo

We’ve collected 60+ neo-traditional tattoo ideas for men and women and highlighted the 10 most popular categories:

?? Bonus: for each symbol or composition of the neo-traditional men & women tattoos, we’ve compiled the meanings so you don’t have to look them up again.

? Let’s get to choosing!


Neo-traditional animal tattoos look favorably on any part of the body. However, most often they are done on the arms from shoulder to elbow or from elbow to wrist. Among the most popular ideas of female neo-traditional tattoos are bunnies, squirrels, and cats. Men prefer to get tattoos of tigers, bears, lions, and even deer.

Below we list interpretations of the most popular male and female neo-traditional animal tattoo ideas.

? BunnyTenderness, carelessness, innocence.
? SquirrelAccumulation of wealth, profit-making, household, housekeeping.
? BearJustice, courage, strength, power, confidence.
? DeerNobility, elegance, life, divine power.
? CatIndependence, freedom, passion for adventure, nocturnal lifestyle.
? TigerModesty, a sense of self-worth, power, strength; beauty.


Neo-traditional bird tattoos are also often done on the arm (up to the elbow and above the elbow). Girls prefer to do such drawings on the hips, emphasizing the lines of their bodies. The most popular birds are tits, crows, bullfinches, and ducks.

In general, the tattoo of the bird always means something sublime – the desire for vast expanses of the sky, daydreaming, a tendency to daydream, a sense of flight, and weightlessness. In most cultures, the bird is firmly associated with freedom, the divine will. 

? BluebirdCourage, endurance, ability to adapt to any conditions, loyalty, fairness.
? RavenMilitancy, courage, wisdom.
? BullfinchFreedom, confidence, fortitude, agility, independence, courage, confidence.
? DuckIntegrity, simplicity, sensitivity, resourcefulness.

Women’s Portraits

Women’s porters in the non-traditional version look very elegant. The lines of different thicknesses emphasize the contours of the face and make the picture more expressive. Such tattoos are also mostly done on the hands of both men and women. 

The prototype of a female portrait can be anyone: a character from literature, a movie, a deity, and just a beautiful girl. 

A neo-traditional female portrait tattoo can have the following meanings:

  • ? Beauty;
  • ? Inspiration;
  • ? Virtues;
  • ? Inner Power;
  • ? Love;
  • ? Patronage of the Muses;
  • ? Modesty;
  • ? Responsiveness.


Neo-traditional Japanese-style tattoos are bright and deep in color. The most popular ideas for such tattoos do not take folklore as a basis but simply concentrate on the visual style and presentation. Most often you can find tattoos with a snake, flowers, skulls, portraits, birds, and animals.

We have already described the meanings of these elements in the article, so you can check out the links above.


Neo-traditional skull tattoos are complemented by other elements. These can be flowers, daggers, animals, and so on. The use of lines of different widths also makes the drawing look like an illustration. In the case of skulls, this is a huge plus as the composition will look more coherent and contrasting.

The neo-traditional skull tattoo is a symbol of sacrifice and forgiveness. This meaning is borrowed from Christian canons. However, such drawings can also have the following meanings:

  • ? Power;
  • ? Protection;
  • ? Power;
  • ? Significant change of life;
  • ? Overcoming a great calamity.


Flowers are one of the most popular ideas for neo-traditional tattoos. This is because the very idea of flowers in the form of a tattoo is very popular, and the fact that in the neo-traditional version they look more refined and elegant. Such drawings can be done on the arms, legs, shoulders, on or under the breast. 

The main leitmotif of the colors is joy and vitality. They are always associated with springtime and the beginning of a new life. In some cases, flowers can have the following meanings:

  • ? Love; 
  • ? Passion;
  • ? Freshness; 
  • ? Unity;
  • ? Vitality. 


The idea of the butterfly tattoo has a deep history. The Indians believed that this insect was a reincarnation of the soul of fallen warriors. Therefore, such a tattoo has always conveyed the connection between close people

Now the neo-traditional butterfly tattoo is chosen because of the bright and symmetrical coloring of the animal. It allows you to take a picture that will attract people’s eyes. 

Neo-traditional butterfly tattoos can have the following meanings:

  • ? Independence;
  • ? Freedom;
  • ? Courage;
  • ? Determination.


The neo-traditional dagger tattoo is often complemented by other elements. For example, a snake, flowers, skull, and so on can wind around the dagger. Such tattoos are done by people with strong and strong-willed characters, as the dagger symbolizes the desire to protect themselves and others.

In some cases, neo-traditional tattoos with a dagger can have the following meanings:

  • ?Determination;
  • ?Power;
  • ?Brutality;
  • ?Honor;
  • ?Courage;
  • ?Fortitude;
  • ?Willpower.


In a separate category, we put the neo-traditional tattoos of owls as men and women do them more often than any other pictures of birds. 

Tattoos with an owl are most often done by men on the chest in the form of a complete composition with other elements. For example, in addition, you can depict leaves, flowers, swords, and so on.

Such tattoos can have the following meanings:

  • ? Wisdom;
  • ? Knowledge;
  • ? Life experience;
  • ? Prudence.


Neo-traditional snake tattoos, like the owl tattoo, are often complemented by other elements. For example, a snake can be upholstered around a blade, skull, flower, or even a deity. 

Such a drawing has contradictory meanings. For example, in the Bible the snake symbolizes temptation, and in medicine – wisdom and knowledge.

Neo-traditional snake tattoos can also have the following symbols:

  • ? Serenity; 
  • ? Poise;
  • ? Protection;
  • ? Nobility;
  • ? Wealth.

Expert Tip: What Part of the Body Is the Best for Neo-Traditional Tattooing?

neo traditional tattoo

One of the most important factors in selecting a tattoo site is painfulness. The pain threshold is different for men and women. It is scientifically proven that girls endure pain more easily because their body is more prepared for such a phenomenon. Below we will provide you the table, which describes in detail what places of the body it is painful to do a tattoo, and much less.

🟥 High🟨 Medium🟩 Minimal
Head ❗️

Face, earlobes, and skull area
Abdomen 🔸

On average, tattoos on the abdomen give little discomfort
Head ✅

It is also on the first list, but here we mention exactly the tattoo, which is often a regular procedure for ladies
Neck ❗️

The front, the back, and the area above the clavicles
Back 🔸

The shoulder blades and lower back. You can get used to it in a couple of hours
The mucosa ✅

This refers to tattoos that are done in the mouth on the inside of the lip
Chest, torso, and back ❗️

Tattoos on the nipple aureoles, in the rib area in front, and under the shoulder blades will be a hassle
Chest and torso 🔸

In the clavicle and chest area
Lower back ✅

The sides under the ribs will even be a little ticklish
Arms ❗️

Armpits, elbows, back of elbow, and wrists
Arms 🔸

Prepare for medium soreness as you score your hands and fingers
Arms ✅

Shoulders and forearms
Hip ❗️

Intimate tattoos will not be enjoyable
Hip 🔸

Tattoos on the buttocks and just underneath. It will hurt, but it's bearable
Hip ✅

The sides and again the buttocks make the list, tattoos on which are a mere trifle for many
Legs ❗️

The inner side of the thigh, the knees, the knee bend at the back, and the front of the shin
Legs 🔸

The front side of the thighs, calves, and the instep of the foot
Legs ✅

Side of the thigh, side of the shin, ankles, and foot

Cautions & Contraindications: Must-Known Points Before Going to the Tattoo Parlor

neo traditional tattoo

Before going to the tattoo parlor you should read the cautions and contraindications of tattooing. This will protect you from unforeseen complications and unnecessary pain in the process.


  • ? Do not drink alcohol. It makes the blood thinner. Because of this, the pigment will be harder to absorb.
  • ? Eat light foods. It is desirable to eat sweets because sugar reduces soreness. 
  • ? Wear comfortable clothes. It will be easier for tattoo artists to do their job if they have immediate access to the tattooing site.
  • ? Take your friends with you. The session can last up to 10 hours, so you may get bored.
  • ? Do not sunbathe. You should not sunbathe before the session, as the tattoo site may leave micro burns. This will increase the painfulness of the process.


  • ❗ Allergic and another dermatitis;
  • ❗ Allergy to metals and their chemical compounds (as a rule – metal oxides);
  • ❗ Diabetes mellitus;
  • ❗ Infectious skin lesions;
  • ❗ Predisposition to skin and other tumors (changes in pigmentation, a steady increase in the number of moles, birthmarks of variable configuration, etc.)
  • ❗ Poor blood clotting;
  • ❗ HIV or hepatitis virus;
  • ❗ Pregnancy;
  • ❗ Women’s critical days.


neo traditional tattoo

The neo-traditional style of tattooing allows you to make any drawing as an illustration because of the bright colors and volume effect. Clear contours of varying thickness will turn the tattoo into an attention grabber because it will be visible even from a distance.

Men and women can easily find a suitable idea for a neo-traditional tattoo because you can embody absolutely any idea. To make your search easier we gathered 60+ neo-traditional tattoo ideas for men and women, clarified why neo-traditional tattoos are a good choice, pointed out where on the body it is best to get a tattoo, and listed the cautions and contraindications of tattooing.

? Be always in the center of attention and catch the eye of the crowd!


? What Are the Most Popular Male and Female Neo-Traditional Tattoo Ideas?

The most popular male and female neo-traditional tattoo ideas are animals, birds, women’s portraits, Japanese-themed, skulls, flowers, butterflies, daggers, owls, and snakes.

? Why Is a Neo-Traditional Tattoo a Good Choice?

The creation of the neo-traditional tattoo artist uses a bright palette of colors, clear lines and contours of different widths, and the effect of volume. Such a tattoo will be visible even from a distance.

? Where on the Body Is the Least Painful To Get a Tattoo?

The least painful places are on the shoulders, forearms, sides under the ribs, side of the thigh, side of the shin, ankles, foot, and inside of the lip.

Nowadays, tattoos are a way of self-expression and a fashion accessory. However, previously they had a much deeper and  sacred meaning for their owner. Tattoos were amulets, protecting their wearers from evil spirits and death. Also, such drawings could be a tribute to deceased comrades.

Tribal tattoos are one of the earliest styles of such designs. Their origin is considered to be Polynesia. Interestingly, the word tattoo comes from the Polynesian word tatau. These tribal tattoos were applied during a special sacred ritual with prayers, to give sacred power to the drawing.

Tribal tattoos became widespread all over the world thanks to the sailors. In 1771, James Cook sailed to Tahiti and New Zealand, after which he “brought” the word “tattoo” to Europe. He spoke about the behavior of the Polynesians on his journey, which he, by the way, called “Tattoo”. In addition, he brought Tahitians named Mai to Europe, and since then the tattoo has become widely known, mainly because of Mai’s tattoos. However, each nation complements tribal tattoos with elements of their own folklore.

Nowadays, tribal tattoos are no longer done for their sacred meaning. People choose this style because of the beautiful patterns that can be applied to any body part. However, it is necessary to understand what each tribal tattoo means, so in this article, we have gathered 50+ tribal tattoo ideas with meanings, told you why you should choose such a tattoo, and described in which color it will look best.

Why Is a Tribal Tattoo a Good Choice?

Tribal Tattoo Ideas

Tribal tattoos always attract the attention of others. Even though each nation used different techniques to draw such tattoos, they have one common style which is expressed in the following distinctive features.

  • 💠 Geometric patterns. Tribal tattoos are created using regular geometric figures like mandalas. However, unlike this style, in tribal tattoos, the geometric figures are not the center of the composition, but simply an addition.
  • ⚫️ Black, gray, or dark brown colors. The main elements of tribal tattoos are in most cases performed in dark colors.
  • 🔴 Colored inserts. Additional elements of tribal tattoos are performed using different colors. For example, in Celtic tattoos, the tree of life can be applied using green colors.
  • 〰️ Lots of curves. Tribal tattoo elements have many curves on the edges. For example, Oceania tribal tattoos consist entirely of such pieces.
  • 📌 The tattoo location. More often than not, tribal tattoos are performed in the form of an arm from the shoulder to the wrist. They are also often placed on the outside of the thigh.

50+ Unique and Trendy Tribal Tattoo Ideas for Men & Women

The ideas of tribal tattoos are mainly the inheritance of the folklore of different countries. To make your search easier we have selected 50+ different ideas and divided them into 14 groups.


Celtic tribal tattoos are one of the most popular styles. These drawings most often feature a Celtic labyrinth or tree of life. Below we will list the meanings of these symbols.

  • 💠 Each turn of the Celtic Labyrinth represents the versatility of human life and its variability.
  • 🌳 The tree of life means that everything around people is interconnected, even things that one cannot see. It also symbolizes the existence of parallel worlds and their unity.


Irish tribal tattoos are a subspecies of Celtic designs. They differ in the thicker lines and larger size of the design.

Irish tribal tattoos have the following meanings:

  • ☘️ Representation of life on Earth;
  • ☘️ Eternity;
  • ☘️ Infinite love;
  • ☘️ Harmony;
  • ☘️ Luck.


The most common elements of Indian tribal tattoos are deities. They are also often complemented by mandalas, which symbolize the environment of their deity. Below we list the meanings of the most popular symbols of Indian tribal tattoos.

  • Shiva – symbolizes the struggle for a righteous cause;
  • Saraswati – brings wisdom, success, and insight;
  • Brahma – endows its wearer with eternal spiritual life and gives strength;
  • Lakshmi – gives good fortune and abundance;
  • Krishna – powers of forgiveness;
  • Ganesha – prosperity.


Africa is the center of tattooing in the world. Each tribe had its language of drawings. The tattoos on the body could tell everything about a person and his status in society. They were a kind of passport. 

An individual tattoo could signify both the events that took place over decades of a person’s life and convey the meaning of a single phenomenon (for example, a wedding or the birth of a child).


Polynesian tribal tattoos have found their usual form in Tonga and Samoa. Warriors and priests from these islands underwent a special ritual of tattooing. They were tattooed with patterns of geometric shapes from the waist to the shoulders.

Polynesian tribal tattoos have such meanings:

  • 🏝️ Protection from dark forces;
  • 🏝️ A talisman against the evil eye;
  • 🏝️ Harmony; 
  • 🏝️ Power; 
  • 🏝️ Faith;
  • 🏝️ Purpose;
  • 🏝️ Fortitude; 
  • 🏝️ Serenity;
  • 🏝️ Power.


Hawaiian tribal tattoos are an offshoot of Polynesian tattoos. They differ in smoother and softer lines, but the main elements remain the same and are associated with sea creatures.

Hawaiian tribal tattoos have the following meanings:

  • 🌅 Protection from evil spirits;
  • 🌅 Wealth and prosperity;
  • 🌅 Longevity;
  • 🌅 Fertility.


Viking tribal tattoos are not the most popular idea. However, this is great news, because it will be extremely difficult to meet a person with a similar tattoo to yours. 

Viking tribal tattoos have the following meanings:

  • ◼️ Strength;
  • ◼️ Courage;
  • ◼️ Courage;
  • ◼️ Fearlessness;
  • ◼️ Self-confidence.

Native American

Native American tribal tattoos most often depict a Native American skull, animal totems, and dream catchers. They can be found in both black and white and in color.

Native American tribal tattoos have the following meanings:

  • 🔍 Protection from evil spirits;
  • 🔍 The memory of loved ones;
  • 🔍 Energy;
  • 🔍 Creativity.


Aztec tribal tattoos consist of many symbols and elements. They were applied to show their social status, frighten an enemy, or glorify the gods.

This idea of tattoos often involves careful work with shadows, because of which the drawing acquires volume.

Aztec tribal tattoos have the following meanings:

  • 📍 Reincarnation;
  • 📍 Reincarnation;
  • 📍 Creativity; 
  • 📍 Fertility; 
  • 📍Wisdom.


Mexican tribal tattoos took the ideas of the Aztecs and supplemented them with their elements. That is why you can often find skulls, architecture, and other symbols. 

Mexican tribal tattoos have the following meanings:

  • 💀 Unconsecrated life;
  • 💀 Rebirth;
  • 💀 Truth;
  • 💀 Life Force.


Cherokee tribal tattoos have similar elements to Native American tattoos. For example, the dream catcher is found in both ideas, but the Cherokee are the originators of this symbol.

Cherokee tribal tattoos have the following meanings:

  • 🏹 Fearlessness;
  • 🏹 Indomitable strength;
  • 🏹 Physical Power;
  • 🏹 Dexterity;
  • 🏹 Wisdom;
  • 🏹 Protection against evil spirits.


Originally, Filipino tribal tattoos had a clear purpose. People believed that such drawings had sacred meaning and helped them communicate with the gods. 

Nowadays, these tattoos are popular because of the beautiful patterns. Also thinner outlines make these tattoo ideas more attractive.

Filipino tribal tattoos have the following meanings:

  • Protection;
  • Welfare;
  • Health;
  • Longevity;
  • Recognition;
  • Spirituality.


Tribal animal tattoos are inspired by the styles of different nations, so the type of drawing may vary. For example, tattoos with sea creatures are more often made in the style of Polynesian tribal tattoos.

Below we will list the meanings of the most popular tribal animal tattoo ideas.


  • 🦈 Physical strength;
  • 🦈 Fearlessness;
  • 🦈 Power.


  • 🐢 Fortitude;
  • 🐢 Poise;
  • 🐢 Patience
  • 🐢 Reliability;
  • 🐢 Stability;
  • 🐢 Wisdom.


  • 🐺 Power;
  • 🐺 Loyalty;
  • 🐺 Excellence;
  • 🐺 Nobility.


  • 🦌 Nobility;
  • 🦌 Elegance;
  • 🦌 Life and divine power.


You can choose any symbol you like and make it into a tribal-style tattoo. Symbols with curves will look especially expressive because the style of tribal tattoos will emphasize this feature.

Which Tribal Tattoo to Choose: Colorful or B&W?

The choice of color depends on your taste preferences. However, it is worth paying attention to such aspects as the complexity of execution, maintenance, and durability. To simplify your choice, we have listed the pros and cons of black and white and color tattoos.

⚫ B&WThe simplicity of execution. This tattoo can be done by any tattoo artist.
Cost. Black and white tattoos cost less than color tattoos.
Universality. You can always add color elements to the black and white tattoo.
Brightness. Black and white tattoos are not as bright and do not attract the attention of others as much.
🔴 ColoredCreativity. You and the tattoo artist have more room for self-expression by adding different colors.
Attractiveness. Colored tattoos immediately attract the eyes of others.
Composition. You can create a real picture from a variety of colors on your body that won't merge into one black spot.
The difficulty of execution. Not every tattoo artist can work with different colors.
Care. Colored tattoos are more difficult to care for.


Tribal tattoos begin their history at the origins of tattooing. They served as a talisman, a way to communicate with the gods, and even as a human passport. Nowadays, tattoos no longer have such sacred meanings and are a beautiful accessory. 

However, tattoos can still be used to determine a person’s character. That’s why it’s important to choose an idea and know its meaning. To make sure you don’t have a hard time with this, we’ve gathered 50+ tribal tattoo ideas with meanings, explained why it’s a good choice, and pointed out the pros and cons of colored and b&w tattoos.

A tattoo isn’t just a drawing, it’s an expression of your soul.


🔝 What Are the Most Popular Tribal Tattoo Ideas?

The most popular tribal tattoo ideas are Celtic, Irish, Indian, African, Polynesian, Hawaiian, Vikings, Native American, Aztec, Mexican, Cherokee, Filipino, animals, and simple ones.

❓ What Are the Distinguishing Features of Tribal Tattoos?

The distinguishing features of tribal tattoos are geometric patterns, black, gray, or dark brown colors with colored inserts, and curves on the edges.

🦈 What Animals Can Be Depicted in the Style of Tribal Tattoos?

Some of the most popular animal tribal tattoo ideas include sharks, turtles, wolves, lions, owls, and cougars.

The trash polka tattoo is a tattoo style that originated in Germany in 1988. Some people find images of tattoos in this style harsh and unpleasant, but others consider them to be unconventional and interesting. In any case, the trash polka tattoo leaves no one indifferent.

This tattoo style was created by the married couple Volko Merschky and Simone Pfaff. The name “trash polka” takes German and even gypsy folklore as its basis. Tattoo designs of this trend resemble a collage of inscriptions, symbols, strokes, lines, and spots. 

The classic motifs of the trash polka tattoo are:

⭐️ Skulls and bones;
⭐️ Birds (especially ravens);
⭐️ Animals;
⭐️ Clocks;
⭐️ Portraits.

Trash Polka Tattoo Distinguishing Features

Trash polka tattoos look very unusual, so this young style of tattoo is very recognizable. However, it is still better to get acquainted with their main distinguishing features to be sure of the tattoo style:

  • The predominant use of black and red colors in the tattoo design.

Red is associated with blood and harshness. This color is most commonly used for stains, undertones, strokes, and flecks.

  • Predominantly large tattoo size.

Trash polka tattoo designs are most often depicted in larger sizes to make all their elements clearer and more eye-catching. It is also believed that in this case, tattoos look more brutal, thus more preferable among men.

  • The use of symbols that are associated with cruelty, death, and brute force.

The most popular trash polka tattoo motifs are lion, skull, raven, and clock. These symbols mean power, death, balance, and the transience of life.

  • Inscriptions are most often used with a newspaper font. 

This can look like individual letters cut from newspaper excerpts or a whole phrase with a newspaper font. This carries a special imprint of time in tattoo design, giving a mesmerizing effect.

50+ Trash Polka Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo in the style of trash polka unequivocally causes interest from others, you want to consider it in detail and guess its secrets. Standard tattoo symbols with strokes, abstract figures, and lines definitely will not leave anyone indifferent.

Also, many trash polka tattoo designs are large, as this is required by the classic understanding of this style. If you are ready for increased attention among others, then welcome to our selection of 50+ tattoo ideas and their hidden meanings.

How to find more unique ideas? Just use our new gallery, where we have collected top designs by InkMatch tattoo artists, and check out the best trash polka tattoos among them.

With Skeleton

Images of skeletons have always inspired a special fear, as they are associated with death. But what does it mean?

💀 Protection;
💀 Immortality;
💀 Knowledge;
💀 Mystery;
💀 Fearlessness;
💀 The ability to keep a secret.

A person wishing to have a skeleton trash polka tattoo usually, on the contrary, wants to laugh at death, to show that he is not afraid of it. It can also mean that he has his “skeletons in the closet”, that is, secrets that he hides from outsiders.

With Owls

The owl has become a symbol of a dark, nocturnal, sinister force for many peoples. Because of her nocturnal and predatory way of life, as well as her fearful night image, she was associated with the afterlife, black magic, sorrow, and even death.

So what does the trash polka owl tattoo mean today? Its main interpretations are as follows:

🦉 A higher mind;
🦉 Fear;
🦉 Wisdom;
🦉 Loneliness;
🦉 Lust for the nightlife;
🦉 Mystique;
🦉 Craving for the otherworldly.

With Raven

For the first time, the raven image is found in the culture of the ancient Celts, but to this day it has not lost its relevance and popularity. It is also one of the classic symbols present in trash polka tattoo designs since the inception of this style.

The meaning of the raven tattoo is diverse and has both positive and negative meanings:

🐦 Wisdom;
🐦 Longevity;
🐦 Loneliness;
🐦 The pain of loss;
🐦 Evil otherworldly forces;
🐦 Death;
🐦 Militancy;
🐦 Masculinity.

With Roses

A tattoo with a rose is one of the most common tattoo designs in the floral style. Choosing this symbol for a trash polka style tattoo you can choose any of its interpretations and sizes.

A tattoo with a rose is popular among both women and men. And the meaning of this trash polka tattoo design is quite multifaceted:

🌹 Love;
🌹 Beauty;
🌹 Holiness;
🌹 Mercy;
🌹 Purity;
🌹 Rebirth;
🌹 Youth.

With Clocks

The clock is quite a philosophical tattoo, before you choose it, you should read its meaning in detail. Very often the tattoo with the image of a clock is applied in memory of a certain date, which is important to the owner of the tattoo.

However, in addition to this, the trash polka tattoo with a clock has conflicting interpretations:

🕓 Development;
🕓 Life;
🕓 Eternity;
🕓 The changeability of the world;
🕓 Time;
🕓 Inevitability;
🕓 Death;
🕓 The transience of life.

With Women and Female Elements

Tattoo trash polka with an image of female portraits is particularly popular among men, although it occurs among women as well. Most often such designs depict individual parts of a woman’s face or a part of it.

The eye tattoo is interpreted as:

👀 Control;
👀 Wisdom;
👀 Truth;
👀 Knowledge;
👀 Hypersensitivity;
👀 Focus on purpose.

The lip tattoo came out in trends recently and is very popular in the trash polka style. Its meanings are as follows:

👄 Romanticism;
👄 Passion;
👄 Daring Character;
👄 Search for love;
👄 Living a life of pleasure without limits;
👄 Wealth;
👄 Pursuit of luxury.

Japanese Traditional Inspired

The Japanese-themed tattoo has not lost its popularity for many decades. It is also reflected in the trash polka style. 

The most frequent idea of Japanese trash polka tattoos is the samurai. So below we will list to you the meaning of such a drawing:

👘 Loyalty; 
👘 Devotion to his loved ones; 
👘 Veneration of tradition; 
👘 Accuracy of one’s stance in life; 
👘 Physical perfection; 
👘 Strength of mind;
👘 Courage;
👘 Fortitude.


The nautical theme trash polka tattoo looks very unusual and unconventional. If you want to stand out from the crowd, you can safely choose this design.

Because of their themes, such tattoo ideas are more common among men. They emphasize their brutality and masculinity.

Compass as a trash polka tattoo element means:

🧭 Willful character;
🧭 Travel;
🧭 Freedom;
🧭 Loyalty;
🧭 Adventure;
🧭 Life Guidance;
🧭 Balance.

An anchor tattoo has the following interpretations:

⚓️ Protection talisman;
⚓️ Anchor;
⚓️ Hope;
⚓️ Faith in the salvation of the soul;
⚓️ Stability;
⚓️ Serenity;
⚓️ Sustainability.

A trash polka tattoo with a helm has such meanings:

☸ Confidence in one’s abilities;
☸ Power;
☸ Dominance;
☸ Freedom;
☸ Love of travel;
☸ Desire to find meaning in life.

A tattoo with a lighthouse means:

💡 Help;
💡 Kindness;
💡 Desire to find a way;
💡 Faith;
💡 Hope for the best;
💡 Enlightenment.

With Trees

A trash polka tattoo with trees looks great on any part of the body because the unevenness of the human body creates the effect of volume and makes the image more clear and bright.

A trash polka tattoo with a tree has many different meanings. To make it easier for you to choose, we will list the most important ones below:

🌳 Immortality;
🌳 Creation; 
🌳 Resurrection;
🌳 Truth;
🌳 Wisdom; 
🌳 Goodness;
🌳 Wealth; 
🌳 Fertility.

With Warriors

A trash polka warrior tattoo is very brutal and great for a strong minded-person. Such a tattoo directly demonstrates the militant attitude of its owner, the readiness to defend his interests, ideals, and family.

The warrior tattoo is interpreted as follows:

⚔️ Physical strength;
⚔️ Bravery;
⚔️ Moral power;
⚔️ Selflessness;
⚔️ Quick reaction;
⚔️ Defense;
⚔️ Stress resistance;
⚔️ Ability to plan your own and others’ actions.

Geometric Designs

Geometric trash polka tattoo designs are most often made on the arm in the form of a sleeve. It looks very futuristic and attracts the attention of others.

Geometric designs trash polka tattoos have the following meanings:

◼️ Harmony;
◼️ Serenity;
◼️ Justice;
◼️ Power of mind.

With Lions

Everyone knows the lion as the king of animals and because of his greatness this animal has been respected and even feared by many peoples since ancient times. Only people with lion qualities in their character are recommended to get such a tattoo.

The trash polka lion tattoo has contradictory meanings:

🦁 Royalty;
🦁 Ferocity;
🦁 Respect;
🦁 Nobility;
🦁 Aggression;
🦁 Wisdom;
🦁 Courage;
🦁 Justice.

With Heart

Unlike other styles, in trash polka, it is customary to depict the heart in the form of a human organ rather than our usual symbol ?.

A trash polka heart tattoo has the following meanings:

❤️ Love;
❤️ Friendship;
❤️ Courage;
❤️ Devotion;
❤️ A symbol of vitality.

The Best Places to Take a Trash Polka Tattoo

The most popular body parts to get the best trash polka tattoo are:

✈️ Arm;
✈️ Leg;
✈️ Chest.

This is because this style of tattoo involves, in most cases, large designs. They are most often done on the chest. More elongated designs are usually done on the arm or leg, so as not to stretch the sketch into an unnatural shape.

Based on the diagram above, we can describe the pain map for a trash polka tattoo as in the table below.

Body partLevel of pain (1 – 5)
For womenFor men

Pain level 1 – tolerable pain;
Pain level 5 – extremely painful.


The trash polka tattoo style appeared in Germany in 1988. It was based on motifs of German and Gypsy folklore. It is the reason why such tattoos have a characteristic feature in the form of red & black colors.

Compared to other styles of tattoo, trash polka is a young trend. It is still relevant today, so now you can find many different popular designs of such tattoos. In our article we have collected for you 50+ unique trash polka tattoo designs.

Such tattoos immediately attract attention due to their deep colors & contrast and have very interesting meanings. Therefore, to make it easier for you to choose, we have gathered in one article 50+ trash polka tattoo ideas, their distinctive features, and places on the body where it is best to get such a drawing.

Be unique! Stand out from the crowd!


🏆 What Are the Most Popular Trash Polka Tattoo Ideas?

The most popular trash polka tattoo ideas are skeletons, owls, ravens, roses, clocks, women & female elements, Japanese traditional themes, marine-themed, trees, warriors, geometric designs, lions, and hearts.

📜 What Are Some Classic Trash Polka Tattoo Motifs?

Classic trash polka tattoo motifs are skulls & bones, birds (especially ravens), animals, clocks, and portraits.

📌 What Are the Distinctive Features of the Trash Polka Tattoo?

Distinctive features of trash polka tattoos are red & black colors, large size, the use of symbols that are associated with cruelty, death & brute force, and inscriptions with newspaper fonts.